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Articole indexate WoS (2024 și 2023)
1. Bratu, D.-V., Zolya, M.-A., & Moraru, S.-A. (2024). RoboCoV Cleaner: An indoor autonomous UV-C disinfection robot with advanced dual-safety systems. Sensors (Basel, Switzerland), 24(3), 974. doi:10.3390/s24030974
2. Hassan, M. K., Cotfas, D. T., Rezk, H., Youssef, H., Shehata, A. S., & El-Bary, A. A. (2024). Ideal parameter estimation of photocatalysis process to boost amoxicillin degradation efficiency using marine predators optimization algorithm. International Journal of Photoenergy, 2024(1). doi:10.1155/2024/6769271
3. Floroian, L., & Badea, M. (2024). In vivo biocompatibility study on functional nanostructures containing bioactive glass and plant extracts for implantology. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 25(8), 4249. doi:10.3390/ijms25084249
4. Grigorescu, S., & Zaha, M. (2024). CyberCortex.AI: An AI‐based operating system for autonomous robotics and complex automation. Journal of Field Robotics. doi:10.1002/rob.22426
5. Batalu, D., Nakamura, T., Aldica, G., Burdusel, M., Grigoroscuta, M., Popa, S., Badica, P. (2024). Ex-situ spark plasma sintered MgB2 with Ge-based organometallic additions: Key ingredients for superconductivity enhancement. Solid State Sciences, 148(107429), 107429. doi:10.1016/j.solidstatesciences.2023.107429
6. Hatfaludi, C.-A., Roșca, A., Popescu, A. B., Chitiboi, T., Sharma, P., Benedek, T., & Itu, L. M. (2024). Deep learning automatically distinguishes myocarditis patients from normal subjects based on MRI. The International Journal of Cardiovascular Imaging, 40(12), 26172629. doi:10.1007/s10554-024-03284-8
7. Matei, T. I., Popescu, A. B., Nita, C. I., Ciusdel, C. F., & Itu, L. M. (2023). CFD-based synthetic data generation for machine learning based pressure drop assessment in aortic stenosis. Studies in Informatics and Control, 32(4), 4958. doi:10.24846/v32i4y202305
8. Scafa-Udriște, A., Itu, L., Puiu, A., Stoian, A., Moldovan, H., & Popa-Fotea, N.-M. (2023). In-stent restenosis in acute coronary syndrome-a classic and a machine learning approach. Frontiers in Cardiovascular Medicine, 10, 1270986. doi:10.3389/fcvm.2023.1270986
9. Len vila, B. Y., Garca Vzquez, C. A., Perez Baluja, O., Cotfas, D. T., & Cotfas, P. A. (2024). Comprehensive electrical models for a wireless sensor network device. Heliyon, 10(23), e40415. doi:10.1016/j.heliyon.2024.e40415
10. Vizitiu, C., Stara, V., Antognoli, L., Dinculescu, A., Mosoi, A., Kristaly, D. M., Dugan, C. (2024). An IoT-based cognitive impairment detection device: A newly proposed method in older adults care-choice reaction time-device development and data-driven validation. Digital Health, 10, 20552076241293597. doi:10.1177/20552076241293597
11. Marziali, R. A., Franceschetti, C., Dinculescu, A., Nistorescu, A., Kristly, D. M., Moșoi, A. A., Di Rosa, M. (2024). Reducing loneliness and social isolation of older adults through voice assistants: Literature review and bibliometric analysis. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 26, e50534. doi:10.2196/50534
12. Bakhtiaridoost, S., Musuroi, C., Volmer, M., & Florescu, M. (2024). Optoelectronic microfluidic device for point-of-care blood plasma viscosity measurement. Lab on a Chip, 24(13), 33053314. doi:10.1039/d4lc00211c
13. Guzsvinecz, T., Szcs, J., Szcs, V., Demeter, R., Katona, J., & Kvri, A. (2024). The accuracy of the k-Nearest Neighbors and k-Means algorithms in gesture identification. Infocommunications Journal, 16(Special Issue), 3036. doi:10.36244/icj.2024.5.4
14. Zolya, M.-A., Baltag, C., Bratu, D.-V., Coman, S., & Moraru, S.-A. (2024). COVID-19 detection and diagnosis model on CT scans based on AI techniques. Bioengineering (Basel, Switzerland), 11(1). doi:10.3390/bioengineering11010079
15. Stoian, D. I., Leonte, H. A., Vizitiu, A., Suciu, C., & Itu, L. M. (2023). Deep neural networks in medical Imaging: Privacy preservation, image generation and applications. Applied Sciences (Basel, Switzerland), 13(21), 11668. doi:10.3390/app132111668
16. Hatfaludi, C.-A., Tache, I.-A., Ciusdel, C.-F., Puiu, A., Stoian, D., Calmac, L., Itu, L. M. (2024). Co-registered optical coherence tomography and X-ray angiography for the prediction of fractional flow reserve. The International Journal of Cardiovascular Imaging, 40(5), 10291039. doi:10.1007/s10554-024-03069-z
17. Puiu, A., Gomez Tapia, C., Weiss, M. E. R., Singh, V., Kamen, A., & Siebert, M. (2024). Prediction uncertainty estimates elucidate the limitation of current NSCLC subtype classification in representing mutational heterogeneity. Scientific Reports, 14(1), 6779. doi:10.1038/s41598-024-57057-3
18. Olah, A., Machedon-Pisu, M., & Machedon-Pisu, T. (2024). Research on mechanized plasma gouging of weldable construction steels. Coatings, 14(12), 1502. doi:10.3390/coatings14121502
19. El Sakka, M., Mothe, J., & Ivanovici, M. (2024). Images and CNN applications in smart agriculture. European Journal of Remote Sensing, 57(1). doi:10.1080/22797254.2024.2352386
20. Hatfaludi, C.-A., Danu, M.-D., Leonte, H.-A., Popescu, A.-B., Condrea, F., Aldea, G.-D., Itu, L.-M. (2023). Applications of artificial intelligence in cardiovascular emergencies status quo and outlook. Journal of Cardiovascular Emergencies, 9(4), 83102. doi:10.2478/jce-2023-0019
21. Ginerica, C., Zaha, M., Floroian, L., Cojocaru, D., & Grigorescu, S. (2024). A vision dynamics learning approach to robotic navigation in unstructured environments. Robotics, 13(1), 15. doi:10.3390/robotics13010015
22. Sora, J., Serban, I., & Petreus, D. (2024). Enhancing microgrid operation through electric vehicle integration: A survey. IEEE Access: Practical Innovations, Open Solutions, 12, 6489764912. doi:10.1109/access.2024.3397587
23. Popa, S., Ivanovici, M., & Coliban, R.-M. (2024). Optimal implementations of 8b/10b encoders and decoders for AMD FPGAs. Electronics, 13(6), 1062. doi:10.3390/electronics13061062
24. Cotfas, D. T., Enesca, A., & Cotfas, P. A. (2024). Enhancing the performance of the solar thermoelectric generator in unconcentrated and concentrated light. Renewable Energy, 221(119831), 119831. doi:10.1016/j.renene.2023.119831
25. Cotfas, Daniel T., Madhiarasan, M., & Cotfas, P. A. (2024). Extraction of the multijunction solar cell parameters using two metaheuristic algorithms. IEEE Access: Practical Innovations, Open Solutions, 12, 109634109656. doi:10.1109/access.2024.3439344
26. Younis, A., Cotfas, P. A., & Cotfas, D. T. (2024). Systematic indoor experimental practices for simulating and investigating dust deposition effects on photovoltaic surfaces: A review. Energy Strategy Reviews, 51(101310), 101310. doi:10.1016/j.esr.2024.101310
27. Rekeraho, A., Cotfas, D. T., Cotfas, P. A., Tuyishime, E., Balan, T. C., & Acheampong, R. (2024). Enhancing security for IoT-based smart renewable energy remote monitoring systems. Electronics, 13(4), 756. doi:10.3390/electronics13040756
28. Younis, A., Rjafallah, A., Cotfas, P. A., & Cotfas, D. T. (2024). Dust impact on electrical and thermal photovoltaic performance: Insights from field and laboratory experiments. Energy Reports, 11, 20992110. doi:10.1016/j.egyr.2024.01.065
29. Garca Vzquez, C. A., Cotfas, D. T., Gonzlez Santos, A. I., Cotfas, P. A., & Len vila, B. Y. (2024). Reduction of electricity consumption in an AHU using mathematical modelling for controller tuning. Energy (Oxford, England), 293(130619), 130619. doi:10.1016/
30. Rjafallah, A., Younis, A., Cotfas, D. T., & Cotfas, P. A. (2024). Effects of temperature uniformity and nonuniformity on thermoelectric generator performance across hot and cold sides. Case Studies in Thermal Engineering, 59(104596), 104596. doi:10.1016/j.csite.2024.104596
31. Younis, A., Belabbes, F., Cotfas, P. A., & Cotfas, D. T. (2024). Utilizing the honeybees mating-inspired firefly algorithm to extract parameters of the wind speed weibull model. Forecasting, 6(2), 357377. doi:10.3390/forecast6020020
32. Bennagi, A., AlHousrya, O., Cotfas, D. T., & Cotfas, P. A. (2024). Comprehensive study of the artificial intelligence applied in renewable energy. Energy Strategy Reviews, 54(101446), 101446. doi:10.1016/j.esr.2024.101446
33. Calin (Comșit), A.-M., Cotfas, D. T., & Cotfas, P. A. (2024). A review of smart photovoltaic systems which are using remote-control, AI, and cybersecurity approaches. Applied Sciences (Basel, Switzerland), 14(17), 7838. doi:10.3390/app14177838
34. Rjafallah, A., Cotfas, D. T., & Cotfas, P. A. (2024). Investigation of temperature variations across the hot and cold sides of cascaded thermoelectric generator (CTEG) configurations in PV-CTEG hybrid systems. Case Studies in Thermal Engineering, 61(105070), 105070. doi:10.1016/j.csite.2024.105070
35. AlHousrya, O., Bennagi, A., Cotfas, P. A., & Cotfas, D. T. (2024). A novel Hybrid ant colony algorithm for solving the shortest path problems with mixed fuzzy arc weights. Alexandria Engineering Journal, 109, 841855. doi:10.1016/j.aej.2024.09.089
36. Ivanovici, M., Popa, S., Marandskiy, K., & Florea, C. (2024). Deep automatic soil roughness estimation from digital images. European Journal of Remote Sensing, 57(1). doi:10.1080/22797254.2024.2342955
37. Pozna, C., Precup, R.-E., & Ballagi, A. (2024). Using tensor-type formalism in causal networks. Acta Polytechnica Hungarica, 21(10), 7591. doi:10.12700/aph.21.10.2024.10.5
38. Plajer, I. C., Baicoianu, A., Majercsik, L., & Ivanovici, M. (2024). Multisource remote sensing data visualization using machine learning. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing: A Publication of the IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society, 62, 112. doi:10.1109/tgrs.2024.3372639
39. He, J., Xiao, Y., Bogdan, C., Nazarian, S., & Bogdan, P. (2022). A design methodology for energy-aware processing in unmanned Aerial Vehicles. ACM Transactions on Design Automation of Electronic Systems, 27(1), 120. doi:10.1145/3470451
40. Bogdan, I. C., & Abba, G. (2024). Friction modelling and parameter estimation for heavy-duty robots. Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control. doi:10.1177/01423312241286930
41. Aciu, L. E., Ghita-Prnuta, O.-A., & Ogrutan, P. L. (2024). Methods used to increase and promote the academic interest of the electromagnetic compatibility course content. TEM Journal, 32503258. doi:10.18421/tem134-59
42. Modran, H. A., Ursutiu, D., & Samoila, C. (2024). Using the theoretical-experiential binomial for educating AI-literate students. Sustainability, 16(10), 4068. doi:10.3390/su16104068
43. Dinu, A., Ghiocanu, S. C., & Modran, H. A. (2024). Relaunching laboratories for engineering disciplines using an industry-oriented approach. Revista Romaneasca Pentru Educatie Multidimensionala, 16(2), 123. doi:10.18662/rrem/16.2/843
44. Chirita, M., Bezergheanu, A., Bazil Cizmas, C., & Ercuta, A. (2022). Superparamagnetic-like micrometric single crystalline magnetite for biomedical application synthesis and characterization. Magnetochemistry, 9(1), 5. doi:10.3390/magnetochemistry9010005
45. Vntu, A., Vasilescu, A., & Baicoianu, A. (2023). Medical emergency department triage data processing using a machine-learning solution. Heliyon, 9(8), e18402. doi:10.1016/j.heliyon.2023.e18402
46. Ungureanu, D., Toma, S.-A., Filip, I.-D., Mocanu, B.-C., Aciobanitei, I., Marghescu, B., Pop, F. (2023). ODIN112AI-assisted emergency services in Romania. Applied Sciences (Basel, Switzerland), 13(1), 639. doi:10.3390/app13010639
47. Acosta Gentoiu, M., Garca Gutirrez, R., Alvarado Pulido, J. J., Montao Peraza, J., Volmer, M., Vizireanu, S., Rodriguez-Carvajal, R. A. (2023). Correlating disorder microstructure and magnetotransport of carbon nanowalls. Applied Sciences (Basel, Switzerland), 13(4), 2476. doi:10.3390/app13042476
48. Madhiarasan, M., Cotfas, D. T., & Cotfas, P. A. (2023). Black widow optimization algorithm used to extract the parameters of photovoltaic cells and panels. Mathematics, 11(4), 967. doi:10.3390/math11040967
49. Belabbes, F., Cotfas, D. T., Cotfas, P. A., & Medles, M. (2023). Using the snake optimization metaheuristic algorithms to extract the photovoltaic cells parameters. Energy Conversion and Management, 292(117373), 117373. doi:10.1016/j.enconman.2023.117373
50. Rekeraho, A., Cotfas, D. T., Cotfas, P. A., Balan, T. C., Tuyishime, E., & Acheampong, R. (2024). Cybersecurity challenges in IoT-based smart renewable energy. International Journal of Information Security, 23(1), 101117. doi:10.1007/s10207-023-00732-9
51. Tuyishime, E., Balan, T. C., Cotfas, P. A., Cotfas, D. T., & Rekeraho, A. (2023). Enhancing cloud securityproactive threat monitoring and detection using a SIEM-based approach. Applied Sciences (Basel, Switzerland), 13(22), 12359. doi:10.3390/app132212359
52. Marinescu, C. (2022). Progress in the development and implementation of residential EV charging stations based on renewable energy sources. Energies, 16(1), 179. doi:10.3390/en16010179
53. Samoila, C., Ursutiu, D., & Munteanu, F. (2023). The remote experiment in the light of the learning theories. International Journal of Online and Biomedical Engineering (iJOE), 19(14), 2644. doi:10.3991/ijoe.v19i14.43163
54. Stara, V., Rampioni, M., Moșoi, A. A., Kristaly, D. M., Moraru, S.-A., Paciaroni, L., di Rosa, M. (2023). The impact of a multicomponent platform intervention on the daily lives of older adults. Healthcare (Basel, Switzerland), 11(24), 3102. doi:10.3390/healthcare11243102
55. Helerea, E., Calin, M. D., & Musuroi, C. (2023). Water energy nexus and energy transitionA review. Energies, 16(4), 1879. doi:10.3390/en16041879
56. Popov, A.-F., Kristaly, D. M., Bratu, D.-V., Zolya, M.-A., & Moraru, S.-A. (2023). A method for using GSM technology and SCADA systems to monitor and control decommissioned and partially decommissioned railway stations. Applied Sciences (Basel, Switzerland), 13(8), 4874. doi:10.3390/app13084874
57. Cretu, N., Pop, M.-I., & Andia Prado, H. S. (2022). Some theoretical and experimental extensions based on the properties of the intrinsic transfer matrix. Materials, 15(2), 519. doi:10.3390/ma15020519
58. Murroni, M., Anedda, M., Fadda, M., Ruiu, P., Popescu, V., Zaharia, C., & Giusto, D. (2023). 6G-enabling the new smart city: A survey. Sensors (Basel, Switzerland), 23(17). doi:10.3390/s23177528
59. Zaharia, C., Popescu, V., & Sandu, F. (2023). Hardware-software partitioning for real-time object detection using dynamic parameter optimization. Sensors (Basel, Switzerland), 23(10). doi:10.3390/s23104894
60. Pozna, C., & Precup, R.-E. (2023). On the use of quaternions, in the translated reference frame formalism. Acta Polytechnica Hungarica, 20(6), 195214. doi:10.12700/aph.20.6.2023.6.11
61. Kaplanis, S., Kaplani, E., & Borza, P. N. (2023). PV defects identification through a synergistic set of non-destructive testing (NDT) techniques. Sensors (Basel, Switzerland), 23(6). doi:10.3390/s23063016
62. Machedon-Pisu, M., & Borza, P. N. (2023). Is the transition to electric passenger cars sustainable? A life cycle perspective. Sustainability, 15(3), 2614. doi:10.3390/su15032614
63. Ilca, L. F., Lucian, O. P., & Balan, T. C. (2023). Enhancing cyber-resilience for small and medium-sized organizations with prescriptive malware analysis, detection and response. Sensors (Basel, Switzerland), 23(15). doi:10.3390/s23156757
64. Iakovidis, G., Levinson, L., Afik, Y., Alexa, C., Alexopoulos, T., Ameel, J., Zormpa, O. (2023). The New Small Wheel electronics. Journal of Instrumentation: An IOP and SISSA Journal, 18(05), P05012. doi:10.1088/1748-0221/18/05/p05012
65. Coliban, R.-M., & Ivanovici, M. (2023). Quality-based band selection for hyperspectral image visualization. Remote Sensing Letters, 14(3), 209220. doi:10.1080/2150704x.2023.2177124
66. Ivanovici, Mihai. (2023). A multi-spectral fractal image model and its associated fractal dimension estimator. Fractal and Fractional, 7(3), 238. doi:10.3390/fractalfract7030238
67. Tache, I.-A., Hatfaludi, C.-A., Puiu, A., Itu, L. M., Popa-Fotea, N.-M., Calmac, L., & Scafa-Udriste, A. (2023). Assessment of the functional severity of coronary lesions from optical coherence tomography based on ensembled learning. Biomedical Engineering Online, 22(1), 127. doi:10.1186/s12938-023-01192-x
68. Musona, R., & Serban, I. (2023). Differential single-phase inverters with active power decoupling: A survey. IEEE Access: Practical Innovations, Open Solutions, 11, 5365453670. doi:10.1109/access.2023.3280228
69. Ion, C. P., Calin, M. D., & Peter, I. (2023). Design of a 3 kW PMSM with super premium efficiency. Energies, 16(1), 498. doi:10.3390/en16010498
70. Modran, H. A., Chamunorwa, T., Ursutiu, D., Samoila, C., & Hedeșiu, H. (2023). Using deep learning to recognize therapeutic effects of music based on emotions. Sensors (Basel, Switzerland), 23(2), 986. doi:10.3390/s23020986
71. Radu, F., Cotfas, P. A., Alexandru, M., Balan, T. C., Popescu, V., & Cotfas, D. T. (2023). Signals intelligence system with software-defined radio. Applied Sciences (Basel, Switzerland), 13(8), 5199. doi:10.3390/app13085199