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Articole indexate WoS (2024 și 2023)

1. Bratu, D.-V., Zolya, M.-A., & Moraru, S.-A. (2024). RoboCoV Cleaner: An indoor autonomous UV-C disinfection robot with advanced dual-safety systems. Sensors (Basel, Switzerland), 24(3), 974. doi:10.3390/s24030974

2. Hassan, M. K., Cotfas, D. T., Rezk, H., Youssef, H., Shehata, A. S., & El-Bary, A. A. (2024). Ideal parameter estimation of photocatalysis process to boost amoxicillin degradation efficiency using marine predators optimization algorithm. International Journal of Photoenergy, 2024(1). doi:10.1155/2024/6769271

3. Floroian, L., & Badea, M. (2024). In vivo biocompatibility study on functional nanostructures containing bioactive glass and plant extracts for implantology. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 25(8), 4249. doi:10.3390/ijms25084249

4. Grigorescu, S., & Zaha, M. (2024). CyberCortex.AI: An AI‐based operating system for autonomous robotics and complex automation. Journal of Field Robotics. doi:10.1002/rob.22426

5. Batalu, D., Nakamura, T., Aldica, G., Burdusel, M., Grigoroscuta, M., Popa, S.,  Badica, P. (2024). Ex-situ spark plasma sintered MgB2 with Ge-based organometallic additions: Key ingredients for superconductivity enhancement. Solid State Sciences, 148(107429), 107429. doi:10.1016/j.solidstatesciences.2023.107429

6. Hatfaludi, C.-A., Roșca, A., Popescu, A. B., Chitiboi, T., Sharma, P., Benedek, T., & Itu, L. M. (2024). Deep learning automatically distinguishes myocarditis patients from normal subjects based on MRI. The International Journal of Cardiovascular Imaging, 40(12), 26172629. doi:10.1007/s10554-024-03284-8

7. Matei, T. I., Popescu, A. B., Nita, C. I., Ciusdel, C. F., & Itu, L. M. (2023). CFD-based synthetic data generation for machine learning based pressure drop assessment in aortic stenosis. Studies in Informatics and Control, 32(4), 4958. doi:10.24846/v32i4y202305

8. Scafa-Udriște, A., Itu, L., Puiu, A., Stoian, A., Moldovan, H., & Popa-Fotea, N.-M. (2023). In-stent restenosis in acute coronary syndrome-a classic and a machine learning approach. Frontiers in Cardiovascular Medicine, 10, 1270986. doi:10.3389/fcvm.2023.1270986

9. Len vila, B. Y., Garca Vzquez, C. A., Perez Baluja, O., Cotfas, D. T., & Cotfas, P. A. (2024). Comprehensive electrical models for a wireless sensor network device. Heliyon, 10(23), e40415. doi:10.1016/j.heliyon.2024.e40415

10. Vizitiu, C., Stara, V., Antognoli, L., Dinculescu, A., Mosoi, A., Kristaly, D. M.,  Dugan, C. (2024). An IoT-based cognitive impairment detection device: A newly proposed method in older adults care-choice reaction time-device development and data-driven validation. Digital Health, 10, 20552076241293597. doi:10.1177/20552076241293597

11. Marziali, R. A., Franceschetti, C., Dinculescu, A., Nistorescu, A., Kristly, D. M., Moșoi, A. A.,  Di Rosa, M. (2024). Reducing loneliness and social isolation of older adults through voice assistants: Literature review and bibliometric analysis. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 26, e50534. doi:10.2196/50534

12. Bakhtiaridoost, S., Musuroi, C., Volmer, M., & Florescu, M. (2024). Optoelectronic microfluidic device for point-of-care blood plasma viscosity measurement. Lab on a Chip, 24(13), 33053314. doi:10.1039/d4lc00211c

13. Guzsvinecz, T., Szcs, J., Szcs, V., Demeter, R., Katona, J., & Kvri, A. (2024). The accuracy of the k-Nearest Neighbors and k-Means algorithms in gesture identification. Infocommunications Journal, 16(Special Issue), 3036. doi:10.36244/icj.2024.5.4

14. Zolya, M.-A., Baltag, C., Bratu, D.-V., Coman, S., & Moraru, S.-A. (2024). COVID-19 detection and diagnosis model on CT scans based on AI techniques. Bioengineering (Basel, Switzerland), 11(1). doi:10.3390/bioengineering11010079

15. Stoian, D. I., Leonte, H. A., Vizitiu, A., Suciu, C., & Itu, L. M. (2023). Deep neural networks in medical Imaging: Privacy preservation, image generation and applications. Applied Sciences (Basel, Switzerland), 13(21), 11668. doi:10.3390/app132111668

16. Hatfaludi, C.-A., Tache, I.-A., Ciusdel, C.-F., Puiu, A., Stoian, D., Calmac, L.,  Itu, L. M. (2024). Co-registered optical coherence tomography and X-ray angiography for the prediction of fractional flow reserve. The International Journal of Cardiovascular Imaging, 40(5), 10291039. doi:10.1007/s10554-024-03069-z

17. Puiu, A., Gomez Tapia, C., Weiss, M. E. R., Singh, V., Kamen, A., & Siebert, M. (2024). Prediction uncertainty estimates elucidate the limitation of current NSCLC subtype classification in representing mutational heterogeneity. Scientific Reports, 14(1), 6779. doi:10.1038/s41598-024-57057-3

18. Olah, A., Machedon-Pisu, M., & Machedon-Pisu, T. (2024). Research on mechanized plasma gouging of weldable construction steels. Coatings, 14(12), 1502. doi:10.3390/coatings14121502

19. El Sakka, M., Mothe, J., & Ivanovici, M. (2024). Images and CNN applications in smart agriculture. European Journal of Remote Sensing, 57(1). doi:10.1080/22797254.2024.2352386

20. Hatfaludi, C.-A., Danu, M.-D., Leonte, H.-A., Popescu, A.-B., Condrea, F., Aldea, G.-D.,  Itu, L.-M. (2023). Applications of artificial intelligence in cardiovascular emergencies  status quo and outlook. Journal of Cardiovascular Emergencies, 9(4), 83102. doi:10.2478/jce-2023-0019

21. Ginerica, C., Zaha, M., Floroian, L., Cojocaru, D., & Grigorescu, S. (2024). A vision dynamics learning approach to robotic navigation in unstructured environments. Robotics, 13(1), 15. doi:10.3390/robotics13010015

22. Sora, J., Serban, I., & Petreus, D. (2024). Enhancing microgrid operation through electric vehicle integration: A survey. IEEE Access: Practical Innovations, Open Solutions, 12, 6489764912. doi:10.1109/access.2024.3397587

23. Popa, S., Ivanovici, M., & Coliban, R.-M. (2024). Optimal implementations of 8b/10b encoders and decoders for AMD FPGAs. Electronics, 13(6), 1062. doi:10.3390/electronics13061062

24. Cotfas, D. T., Enesca, A., & Cotfas, P. A. (2024). Enhancing the performance of the solar thermoelectric generator in unconcentrated and concentrated light. Renewable Energy, 221(119831), 119831. doi:10.1016/j.renene.2023.119831

25. Cotfas, Daniel T., Madhiarasan, M., & Cotfas, P. A. (2024). Extraction of the multijunction solar cell parameters using two metaheuristic algorithms. IEEE Access: Practical Innovations, Open Solutions, 12, 109634109656. doi:10.1109/access.2024.3439344

26. Younis, A., Cotfas, P. A., & Cotfas, D. T. (2024). Systematic indoor experimental practices for simulating and investigating dust deposition effects on photovoltaic surfaces: A review. Energy Strategy Reviews, 51(101310), 101310. doi:10.1016/j.esr.2024.101310

27. Rekeraho, A., Cotfas, D. T., Cotfas, P. A., Tuyishime, E., Balan, T. C., & Acheampong, R. (2024). Enhancing security for IoT-based smart renewable energy remote monitoring systems. Electronics, 13(4), 756. doi:10.3390/electronics13040756

28. Younis, A., Rjafallah, A., Cotfas, P. A., & Cotfas, D. T. (2024). Dust impact on electrical and thermal photovoltaic performance: Insights from field and laboratory experiments. Energy Reports, 11, 20992110. doi:10.1016/j.egyr.2024.01.065

29. Garca Vzquez, C. A., Cotfas, D. T., Gonzlez Santos, A. I., Cotfas, P. A., & Len vila, B. Y. (2024). Reduction of electricity consumption in an AHU using mathematical modelling for controller tuning. Energy (Oxford, England), 293(130619), 130619. doi:10.1016/

30. Rjafallah, A., Younis, A., Cotfas, D. T., & Cotfas, P. A. (2024). Effects of temperature uniformity and nonuniformity on thermoelectric generator performance across hot and cold sides. Case Studies in Thermal Engineering, 59(104596), 104596. doi:10.1016/j.csite.2024.104596

31. Younis, A., Belabbes, F., Cotfas, P. A., & Cotfas, D. T. (2024). Utilizing the honeybees mating-inspired firefly algorithm to extract parameters of the wind speed weibull model. Forecasting, 6(2), 357377. doi:10.3390/forecast6020020

32. Bennagi, A., AlHousrya, O., Cotfas, D. T., & Cotfas, P. A. (2024). Comprehensive study of the artificial intelligence applied in renewable energy. Energy Strategy Reviews, 54(101446), 101446. doi:10.1016/j.esr.2024.101446

33. Calin (Comșit), A.-M., Cotfas, D. T., & Cotfas, P. A. (2024). A review of smart photovoltaic systems which are using remote-control, AI, and cybersecurity approaches. Applied Sciences (Basel, Switzerland), 14(17), 7838. doi:10.3390/app14177838

34. Rjafallah, A., Cotfas, D. T., & Cotfas, P. A. (2024). Investigation of temperature variations across the hot and cold sides of cascaded thermoelectric generator (CTEG) configurations in PV-CTEG hybrid systems. Case Studies in Thermal Engineering, 61(105070), 105070. doi:10.1016/j.csite.2024.105070

35. AlHousrya, O., Bennagi, A., Cotfas, P. A., & Cotfas, D. T. (2024). A novel Hybrid ant colony algorithm for solving the shortest path problems with mixed fuzzy arc weights. Alexandria Engineering Journal, 109, 841855. doi:10.1016/j.aej.2024.09.089

36. Ivanovici, M., Popa, S., Marandskiy, K., & Florea, C. (2024). Deep automatic soil roughness estimation from digital images. European Journal of Remote Sensing, 57(1). doi:10.1080/22797254.2024.2342955

37. Pozna, C., Precup, R.-E., & Ballagi, A. (2024). Using tensor-type formalism in causal networks. Acta Polytechnica Hungarica, 21(10), 7591. doi:10.12700/aph.21.10.2024.10.5

38. Plajer, I. C., Baicoianu, A., Majercsik, L., & Ivanovici, M. (2024). Multisource remote sensing data visualization using machine learning. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing: A Publication of the IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society, 62, 112. doi:10.1109/tgrs.2024.3372639

39. He, J., Xiao, Y., Bogdan, C., Nazarian, S., & Bogdan, P. (2022). A design methodology for energy-aware processing in unmanned Aerial Vehicles. ACM Transactions on Design Automation of Electronic Systems, 27(1), 120. doi:10.1145/3470451

40. Bogdan, I. C., & Abba, G. (2024). Friction modelling and parameter estimation for heavy-duty robots. Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control. doi:10.1177/01423312241286930

41. Aciu, L. E., Ghita-Prnuta, O.-A., & Ogrutan, P. L. (2024). Methods used to increase and promote the academic interest of the electromagnetic compatibility course content. TEM Journal, 32503258. doi:10.18421/tem134-59

42. Modran, H. A., Ursutiu, D., & Samoila, C. (2024). Using the theoretical-experiential binomial for educating AI-literate students. Sustainability, 16(10), 4068. doi:10.3390/su16104068

43. Dinu, A., Ghiocanu, S. C., & Modran, H. A. (2024). Relaunching laboratories for engineering disciplines using an industry-oriented approach. Revista Romaneasca Pentru Educatie Multidimensionala, 16(2), 123. doi:10.18662/rrem/16.2/843

44. Chirita, M., Bezergheanu, A., Bazil Cizmas, C., & Ercuta, A. (2022). Superparamagnetic-like micrometric single crystalline magnetite for biomedical application synthesis and characterization. Magnetochemistry, 9(1), 5. doi:10.3390/magnetochemistry9010005

45. Vntu, A., Vasilescu, A., & Baicoianu, A. (2023). Medical emergency department triage data processing using a machine-learning solution. Heliyon, 9(8), e18402. doi:10.1016/j.heliyon.2023.e18402

46. Ungureanu, D., Toma, S.-A., Filip, I.-D., Mocanu, B.-C., Aciobanitei, I., Marghescu, B.,  Pop, F. (2023). ODIN112AI-assisted emergency services in Romania. Applied Sciences (Basel, Switzerland), 13(1), 639. doi:10.3390/app13010639

47. Acosta Gentoiu, M., Garca Gutirrez, R., Alvarado Pulido, J. J., Montao Peraza, J., Volmer, M., Vizireanu, S.,  Rodriguez-Carvajal, R. A. (2023). Correlating disorder microstructure and magnetotransport of carbon nanowalls. Applied Sciences (Basel, Switzerland), 13(4), 2476. doi:10.3390/app13042476

48. Madhiarasan, M., Cotfas, D. T., & Cotfas, P. A. (2023). Black widow optimization algorithm used to extract the parameters of photovoltaic cells and panels. Mathematics, 11(4), 967. doi:10.3390/math11040967

49. Belabbes, F., Cotfas, D. T., Cotfas, P. A., & Medles, M. (2023). Using the snake optimization metaheuristic algorithms to extract the photovoltaic cells parameters. Energy Conversion and Management, 292(117373), 117373. doi:10.1016/j.enconman.2023.117373

50. Rekeraho, A., Cotfas, D. T., Cotfas, P. A., Balan, T. C., Tuyishime, E., & Acheampong, R. (2024). Cybersecurity challenges in IoT-based smart renewable energy. International Journal of Information Security, 23(1), 101117. doi:10.1007/s10207-023-00732-9

51. Tuyishime, E., Balan, T. C., Cotfas, P. A., Cotfas, D. T., & Rekeraho, A. (2023). Enhancing cloud securityproactive threat monitoring and detection using a SIEM-based approach. Applied Sciences (Basel, Switzerland), 13(22), 12359. doi:10.3390/app132212359

52. Marinescu, C. (2022). Progress in the development and implementation of residential EV charging stations based on renewable energy sources. Energies, 16(1), 179. doi:10.3390/en16010179

53. Samoila, C., Ursutiu, D., & Munteanu, F. (2023). The remote experiment in the light of the learning theories. International Journal of Online and Biomedical Engineering (iJOE), 19(14), 2644. doi:10.3991/ijoe.v19i14.43163

54. Stara, V., Rampioni, M., Moșoi, A. A., Kristaly, D. M., Moraru, S.-A., Paciaroni, L.,  di Rosa, M. (2023). The impact of a multicomponent platform intervention on the daily lives of older adults. Healthcare (Basel, Switzerland), 11(24), 3102. doi:10.3390/healthcare11243102

55. Helerea, E., Calin, M. D., & Musuroi, C. (2023). Water energy nexus and energy transitionA review. Energies, 16(4), 1879. doi:10.3390/en16041879

56. Popov, A.-F., Kristaly, D. M., Bratu, D.-V., Zolya, M.-A., & Moraru, S.-A. (2023). A method for using GSM technology and SCADA systems to monitor and control decommissioned and partially decommissioned railway stations. Applied Sciences (Basel, Switzerland), 13(8), 4874. doi:10.3390/app13084874

57. Cretu, N., Pop, M.-I., & Andia Prado, H. S. (2022). Some theoretical and experimental extensions based on the properties of the intrinsic transfer matrix. Materials, 15(2), 519. doi:10.3390/ma15020519

58. Murroni, M., Anedda, M., Fadda, M., Ruiu, P., Popescu, V., Zaharia, C., & Giusto, D. (2023). 6G-enabling the new smart city: A survey. Sensors (Basel, Switzerland), 23(17). doi:10.3390/s23177528

59. Zaharia, C., Popescu, V., & Sandu, F. (2023). Hardware-software partitioning for real-time object detection using dynamic parameter optimization. Sensors (Basel, Switzerland), 23(10). doi:10.3390/s23104894

60. Pozna, C., & Precup, R.-E. (2023). On the use of quaternions, in the translated reference frame formalism. Acta Polytechnica Hungarica, 20(6), 195214. doi:10.12700/aph.20.6.2023.6.11

61. Kaplanis, S., Kaplani, E., & Borza, P. N. (2023). PV defects identification through a synergistic set of non-destructive testing (NDT) techniques. Sensors (Basel, Switzerland), 23(6). doi:10.3390/s23063016

62. Machedon-Pisu, M., & Borza, P. N. (2023). Is the transition to electric passenger cars sustainable? A life cycle perspective. Sustainability, 15(3), 2614. doi:10.3390/su15032614

63. Ilca, L. F., Lucian, O. P., & Balan, T. C. (2023). Enhancing cyber-resilience for small and medium-sized organizations with prescriptive malware analysis, detection and response. Sensors (Basel, Switzerland), 23(15). doi:10.3390/s23156757

64. Iakovidis, G., Levinson, L., Afik, Y., Alexa, C., Alexopoulos, T., Ameel, J.,  Zormpa, O. (2023). The New Small Wheel electronics. Journal of Instrumentation: An IOP and SISSA Journal, 18(05), P05012. doi:10.1088/1748-0221/18/05/p05012

65. Coliban, R.-M., & Ivanovici, M. (2023). Quality-based band selection for hyperspectral image visualization. Remote Sensing Letters, 14(3), 209220. doi:10.1080/2150704x.2023.2177124

66. Ivanovici, Mihai. (2023). A multi-spectral fractal image model and its associated fractal dimension estimator. Fractal and Fractional, 7(3), 238. doi:10.3390/fractalfract7030238

67. Tache, I.-A., Hatfaludi, C.-A., Puiu, A., Itu, L. M., Popa-Fotea, N.-M., Calmac, L., & Scafa-Udriste, A. (2023). Assessment of the functional severity of coronary lesions from optical coherence tomography based on ensembled learning. Biomedical Engineering Online, 22(1), 127. doi:10.1186/s12938-023-01192-x

68. Musona, R., & Serban, I. (2023). Differential single-phase inverters with active power decoupling: A survey. IEEE Access: Practical Innovations, Open Solutions, 11, 5365453670. doi:10.1109/access.2023.3280228

69. Ion, C. P., Calin, M. D., & Peter, I. (2023). Design of a 3 kW PMSM with super premium efficiency. Energies, 16(1), 498. doi:10.3390/en16010498

70. Modran, H. A., Chamunorwa, T., Ursutiu, D., Samoila, C., & Hedeșiu, H. (2023). Using deep learning to recognize therapeutic effects of music based on emotions. Sensors (Basel, Switzerland), 23(2), 986. doi:10.3390/s23020986

71. Radu, F., Cotfas, P. A., Alexandru, M., Balan, T. C., Popescu, V., & Cotfas, D. T. (2023). Signals intelligence system with software-defined radio. Applied Sciences (Basel, Switzerland), 13(8), 5199. doi:10.3390/app13085199