Ro-Micro - Symposium and Expo

28 June 2024, from 10:00 to 18:00, Research and Development Institute, Transilvania University of Brașov, L2

Ro-Micro is a Symposium and Expo that brings together meaningful past, present, and potential future contributions to the computing industry.  Romanians closely followed and resonated with the technology revolution in Silicon Valley and everywhere else in the world.  Despite being part of the Eastern Block until 1990 and facing many restrictions and shortages, Romanians compensated to some extent through ingenuity and constant challenge of the status-quo, resulting in some notable contributions.

Ro-Micro will feature an Expo with a large variety of functional computers build during the 80-ties and 90-ties, starting with a 4004 calculator!  It is an event both for computer enthusiasts and for people with inquisitive minds about technology and its evolution over the years. We have a special guest, Federico Faggin, physicist, engineer, inventor and entrepreneur, designer of the first 4 microprocessors, Intel 4004, 8008, 8080, and Zilog Z80.

Participation to Ro-Micro requires preregistration. Please send email to:

More details HERE